Picture of Ben Killoy

Ben Killoy

Are You Home Yet?

I spent the first 5 years after my Military service looking for the feeling of home.  I had a good-paying job, I had just built a brand-new home, I was a husband, I was a dad, but dam if I didn’t feel empty inside.  

This early mid-life crisis led me precisely ​to where I am today because I had to learn that feeling of home was an inside job, something I could not acquire through money.

Over the last seven years, I have made this lesson my life thesis and devoted my time to helping others learn it. 

When I ask the question to guys, are you home? What I am looking for is are they home on the inside. Does it feel safe being who they are? Do they feel comfortable expressing themselves to a room full of people? Are they in control to the point where they lead their lives on their terms?

I will never forget looking into my daughter’s eyes and wondering how can I lead you into your life if I can’t first do it for myself. 

To lead someone else, we first need to be leading ourselves, and our kids are looking for leadership; they are looking for examples to follow, they are looking to feel loved in a world that seems chaotic and scary. 

And her is the part I need you to slow down and read.

You can’t give something to others that you first don’t feel for yourself; I am not just talking about the good parts; I am talking about it all: the Good, Bad, and The Ugly. 

If you genuinely want to come home, create a legacy of change, break the cycles you have been living, you will need to start remembering this.  

To get the results we have never had, we will need to do things we have never done.

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Are You Home Yet?

I spent the first 5 years after my Military service looking for the feeling of home.  I had a good-paying job, I had just built a brand-new home, I was a husband, I was a dad, but dam if I didn’t feel empty inside.   This early mid-life crisis led me precisely ​to where I am

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